
24 Expert Conversations

    24 Expert Conversations
    Macular degeneration. Diagnosis and treatment. 5
    0.00 NIS
    Deafness, blindness, and pregnancy. How to accommodate patients well? 11
    0.00 NIS
    Glaucoma. What causes blindness? First symptoms of glaucoma. 1
    0.00 NIS
    Future in eye disease treatment. 10
    0.00 NIS
    Retinal detachment. Causes and treatment. 9
    0.00 NIS
    Turmeric (Curcumin) helps to test for Alzheimer’s disease? 8
    0.00 NIS
    Glaucoma and Alzheimer’s disease are similar. Both are neurodegenerative diseases. 6
    0.00 NIS
    Glaucoma neuroprotection therapy. Apoptosis test helps to select patients for treatment. 4
    0.00 NIS
    Glaucoma diagnostic tests. Visual fields testing. Optical Coherence Tomography, OCT. 2
    0.00 NIS
    Gene therapy of eye diseases. Ataluren for aniridia. Luxturna for retinal dystrophy. 12
    0.00 NIS
    Retinal vein occlusion. Diagnosis. Genetic link to blood clots, thrombosis. 11
    0.00 NIS
    Aniridia genetic diagnosis, prognosis. Patient story. Mother and child aniridia. 10
    0.00 NIS
    Cornea injury by trauma and herpes. Stem cell therapy for corneal injury. 9
    0.00 NIS
    Orbital tumor and eye lid treatment. Eye surgeon and maxillofacial expert. 8
    0.00 NIS
    900 rare eye diseases diagnosis. NGS genome sequencing, symptoms, signs. 7
    0.00 NIS
    3-D viewing and eye damage in kids. VR goggles, double vision, headaches. 6
    0.00 NIS
    Retinopathy of prematurity prevention, therapy, and prognosis. Eye surgery. 5
    0.00 NIS
    Dry Eye treatment options. Artificial tears, diquafosol, cyclosporine eyedrops. 4
    0.00 NIS
    Atropine for nearsightedness in kids. When to start? How to use atropine? 2
    0.00 NIS
    Myopia in children. Treatment nuances: eyeglasses, contact lenses, atropine. 1
    0.00 NIS
    Dr. Dominique Bremond-Gignac. Eye surgeon and rare eye disease expert. Biography. 0
    0.00 NIS
    Clinical case. Importance of detailed medical and family history in diagnosis. 13
    0.00 NIS
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