
229 Expert Conversations

    229 Expert Conversations
    Hydroxychloroquine and COVID-19: How to understand clinical trial basics? 4
    0.00 NIS
    Hypertension and diuretics, ACE inhibitors, ARBs, and calcium channel blockers. 5
    0.00 NIS
    Hypertension and diuretics. Kidney disease and hypertension. 9
    0.00 NIS
    Hypertension,  heart failure, and kidney function are all connected. 1
    0.00 NIS
    Immunotherapy in breast cancer. Immunotherapy is not a magic treatment. 11
    0.00 NIS
    Inflammaging. Inflammation speeds up aging. Hormesis. 
U-shape of exercise benefit. 7
    0.00 NIS
    Inflammation and aging. Rapamycin keeps mTOR 
in a dynamic range of young. 5
    0.00 NIS
    Intermittent fasting is a 
dirty drug. Is it all about caloric restriction? 3
    0.00 NIS
    It’s never too early or too late to start slowing your aging. Act now. 11
    0.00 NIS
    It’s possible to take charge of your aging today. Rate of aging is not inevitable. 13
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    Japanese. 7 questions that you must ask in any medical situation.
    0.00 NIS
    Key concepts of clinical trial analysis for everyone to understand. 
‘Texas shooter’ 2
    0.00 NIS
    Korean. 7 questions that you must ask in any medical situation.
    0.00 NIS
    Leading drug candidates for NASH therapy. NAFLD, fatty liver disease treatment. 12
    0.00 NIS
    Lessons from COVID-19 pandemic. Right and wrong predictions. 18
    0.00 NIS
    Liver cancer risk and fatty liver disease. Cancer screening in NASH, NAFLD. 10
    0.00 NIS
    Lumbar spine stenosis. How to chose the best treatment? Cochrane study limitations. 3
    0.00 NIS
    Lung cancer treatment. Minimally invasive surgery. VATS. Robotic surgery for lung cancer. 9
    0.00 NIS
    Macrophage activation syndrome. MAS. Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis. HLH. 8
    0.00 NIS
    Male vs. female differences in response to anti-aging diet. Sex and caloric restriction. 5
    0.00 NIS
    Mesothelioma diagnostic tests. Staging. Agnostic treatment strategy. 3
    0.00 NIS
    Mesothelioma stratified therapy clinical trials (MiST). 8
    0.00 NIS
    Mesothelioma symptoms. Causes of Mesothelioma. 1
    0.00 NIS
    Mesothelioma. CAR T-cell therapy. Tumor Treating Fields 
(TT Fields). 7
    0.00 NIS
    Mesothelioma. Chemotherapy and immunotherapy. 6
    0.00 NIS
    Mesothelioma. Clinical case. Example of importance of enrollment into clinical trials. 11
    0.00 NIS
    Mesothelioma. Importance 
for patients of enrollment into clinical trials. 10
    0.00 NIS
    Mesothelioma. Radiotherapy.
    0.00 NIS
    Mesothelioma. Surgical treatment options. 4
    0.00 NIS
    Metformin, rapamycin for slowing of aging. 20 senolytics are in clinical trials. Results? 9
    0.00 NIS
    Microbiome rejuvenation and longevity. Alpha-ketoglutarate in gut reduces inflammation. 4
    0.00 NIS
    Minimally invasive spine surgery is still controversial. All of it. 8
    0.00 NIS
    Minimally invasive spine surgery or classic spine surgery methods? How to choose? 2
    0.00 NIS
    Minimally invasive spine surgery. Indications. History of progress. 1
    0.00 NIS
    Mitochondria and aging. Pillars of aging. Exercise improves mitochondria. 3
    0.00 NIS
    Mitochondria and aging. How to keep mitochondria healthy? Listen to your mother! 6
    0.00 NIS
    Multiple myeloma and gene expression profiling. Intraclonal heterogeneity. 4
    0.00 NIS
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