Aging and Longevity

56 Expert Conversations

    56 Expert Conversations
    You can start anti-aging interventions late in life and still increase longevity. 14
    0.00 NIS
    Wisdom from top longevity researcher. Sex differences in aging. Old can still slow aging. 13
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    Future in anti-aging research. Young blood transfusions, reprogramming of cells. 12
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    Genes in a lab and in nature act differently. Anti-aging research across species. 11
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    Anti-aging drugs are also active against bacteria and viruses? Rapamycin. 10
    0.00 NIS
    Sex differences in health and aging. Why women differ from men in healthspan? 7
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    Mitochondria and aging. How to keep mitochondria healthy? Listen to your mother! 6
    0.00 NIS
    We must treat aging as a disease. Lifespan or healthspan? 5
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    Fatty acid body content affects lifespan. Lipidome and longevity. 3
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    Body size and longevity. Same species: smaller body size - longer life. 2
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    Dr. Steven Austad. Anti-aging, Longevity Expert. Biography. 0
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    Metformin, rapamycin for slowing of aging. 20 senolytics are in clinical trials. Results? 9
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    Dietary restriction vs. caloric restriction. What is the difference? 8
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    Alzheimer’s disease and aging. Mouse is not a good model. Study humans. 4
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    Anti-aging research. Most laboratory animals are ‘failures at aging’. 1
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    Fund anti-aging research better rather than do endless ‘wars on cancer’. 14
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    Future in anti-aging research. Stem cells and Epigenetic reprogramming. 13
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    Rapamycin for slowing of aging. What dose? What is typical schedule for rapamycin? 12
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    Rapamycin in Alzheimer’s disease. Reputational issues in use 
of rapamycin. 10
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    General Stanley McChrystal and once-a-day eating habit. Healthy or not? 7
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    How to study longevity? Companion dogs. Methods of anti-aging research. 6
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    Male vs. female differences in response to anti-aging diet. Sex and caloric restriction. 5
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    4 fictions of anti-aging diets. Caloric restriction, genetic background. 4
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    Intermittent fasting is a 
dirty drug. Is it all about caloric restriction? 3
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    Risks of caloric restriction to slow aging. Risks of diets for immune system. 2
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    Diets and Aging: Promise and reality. 1
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    Dr. Matt Kaeberlein. Anti-aging, Longevity Expert. Biography. 0
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    Rapamycin side effects vs. Alzheimer’s disease decline. Important disclaimer. 11
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    Rapamycin is not a miracle drug for aging. Rapamycin and mTOR in psychiatry. 9
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    Dogs and anti-aging research. There are 4 species of dogs. Why neutered dogs live longer? 8
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    It’s never too early or too late to start slowing your aging. Act now. 11
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    Future in anti-aging longevity research. You can slow your aging today. Act now. 10
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    How to speed up anti-aging longevity research? Biomarkers and biological clocks. 9
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    Supplements in anti-aging. alpha-ketoglutarate, Metformin, ACE inhibitors, β-blockers. 8
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    Inflammaging. Inflammation speeds up aging. Hormesis. 
U-shape of exercise benefit. 7
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    Exercise as anti-aging polypill. Exercise lowers numbers of 
old cells. 6
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    Human aging: genetics vs. lifestyle? 20%. Dutch longevity study. 5
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    10 - 20 senolytics are in clinical trials. Metformin and 
anti-aging drugs. 4
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    Can you reverse cellular senescence? Can we reverse aging? 3
    0.00 NIS
    How to test your biological clock? Check it every 5 years from age of 25 - 30. 2
    0.00 NIS
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